Monday, February 15, 2010

Assignment 3

purpose: to show how voice can affect the reading of a poem, and how an audience might receive a poem differently based on voice

setup: pass out 2 magazine/newspaper photos to each student. photos should be a variety of images- from cartoon characters to politicians, athletes, random people in various states of emotion, even to animals, etc.......the idea is to get as wide a range of individuals as possible.

each student will also receive a short poem from the teacher (any poem will do).

students will them be asked to imagine how their 2 characters might read the poem.

for example, a student might receive a photo of a circus clown crying, and a photo of Beyonce. they will read the poem in their imagined voice of each.

wrap up: students will write a short feedback page on the exercise, answering questions such as-- how did the meaning of poem change withe the different voices? what messages still came through? which way did you like better? why? which voice is closer to your own? why? which voice do you think the author would choose? why?

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